martes, 26 de junio de 2007

The present education

My vision of the Chilean education Posted January 4th, 2005 by smoked_cl Hispano-America

A clear segmentation exists in which it is education in Chile. And I say this with a clear feeling of discrimination to have studied in a school Technical-Professional. Memory that being in 3ro average me surgio the restlessness to make a precollege student, reason why we decided with two friends to go to ask the orientation one on the alternatives, which the individual I answer to us: “so that they are going to make spend money to its parents, if in any case they are not going to be”. Then comprendi as the education in Chile were segmented. It is not thing of which one wants to do something, is almost one imposition which your you must do with your future. The PSU is a clear indicator of this segmentation. According to I articulate in [1], average PSU 2003 for the Paid Particular schools was of 648,394; for the Subsidized Individuals it was of 603,56; and for the Policemen it was of 554,308. I am not going to discuss here the fact that the income of the families, the amount of students by course, the infrastructure and the professors influence in these results, but will limit something on the education in if. In general, entering to a school Technical-Professional is synonymous of “Center of Technical Formation”, “Professional” or “4to simply Average” Institute. On the other hand, the fact to enter to a school Scientist-Humanist is, in general, condition necessary to speak of “Deprived Traditional University/”. The Chilean educational system measures (as it says I articulate previous) its excellence according to I number of students whom it positions in the University with respect to his total of students, like the pre-college students measure their level of excellence depending on whichever national puntajes obtains. In my ideal world, this conception of dista excellence much of which it had to be an education model. Not even the fact to think about “education equality” had to derive in the fact to position students in the universities. And I do not say that this is bad, single I say that it is not what one esperaria of the education that receives. For my the fact of “being educated” says relation with the tools that tendre in the future developing to me efficient and indeed in the search of what me otorge satisfactions. Such satisfactions are not single monetary, but rather those to make a work that to one fills it like person, who gives monetary benefits to you and that allow to reach the happiness. At the moment the education directs to the student to postulate to races “top” with the single objective to obtain money and to be “successful”, not mattering if the person feels as with it. A system does not exist in Chile that makes a pursuit of the students withdrawn of 4to average to validate the vocacionales projections of its “test”, whatever of them managed to leave the race to which they entered, whatever change of race and whatever once exert their profession finished their studies. We are as opposed to an education that sees the equality as a form to compare economically to the people by on the intellectual equality, and development and personal satisfaction. The present education does not consider the opinion of the student. The intrinsic qualities of each student are not harnessed. It is discriminated in ABC courses… depending on the yield. Subjects of the present time and contingency are not analyzed. The education in Chile is not only a subject of state, the professors and the schools. The education is a subject of COUNTRY, that it involves to all and in which we are forced to do part to us.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Solo de suerte encontre esto .. y me impresione .. eso lo escribi y publique en un par de lugares .. pero supongo que lo sacaron de Tengo mas escritos que nunca publique .. tal vez ahora pueda hacerlo.